Whats on...
Throughout the year we host a wide variety of events aimed at all ages from smaller weekend events to large events with live music and a vast array of activities.
Mega Machines
Returning 2022
Explore some true Mega Machines and learn how they are used by the emergency services. Something a little different visitors will get the opportunity to see exhibits not normally on public display as well as being able to get up close and personal to some of our normal exhibits.
Villainous Victorians
Returning 2022
Ever wondered what Victorian Sheffield was like? Are you interested in Victorian crime and punishment? Do you love all things horrible history? Step through NESM’s Victorian doors and delve deep into its past with live actors, historical interpretation, games, storytelling, entertainment and much more!
Mobs & Murder
Returning 2022
Come and learn about the hidden history of Sheffield’s gang wars in a building that was at the heart of it all, from costumed storytelling to a recreated pub, this event will be fun for all the family. Explore the original Police cells that housed infamous gang members like George Mooney and Sam Garvin, learn about the brutal war between one of the first specialised flying squads and the all-powerful gangs that ran the city of Sheffield and be taken back in time to the dark...