Inexpert witnesses, dodgy doctors and naughty Victorians
Friday 5 November 2021
Talks running at: 14:00-15:00 or 18:00-19:00
Talk and museum entry: £15.00pp or £10.00pp if you already hold a year ticket for NESM.
Entry is one hour before the start of each talk to allow for the viewing of the museum itself and refreshments.
The medical profession and criminal law have worked together over the millennia, from the Ancient Egyptians to the present day. Join Dr Peter Moore as he explores the fascinating subject of early forensic medicine. Focusing on the 19th century Dr Moore will bring to life the first Police Surgeons, Victorian Poisoners and mind-bending drugs. He looks at the Victorian approach to sexual offences showing that the “me too” movement arrived 200 years too late. Dr Moore will introduce you to the ground-breaking Victorian scientists and doctors as well as some bizarre medical and legal opinions.
Due to the discussion of crime, murder and other sensitive subjects we advise that only visitors over the age of 15 attend this talk.
Talk by Dr Peter Moore
Dr. Peter Moore spent 30 years as a GP, complementing this work with a ‘hobby’ serving as a Police Surgeon, spending nights and weekends at the police station seeing burglars, examining victims of sexual assault or looking at dead bodies. Dr. Moore pursued this interest into history and has since written various well-regarded books on the medical profession and criminal law such as ‘From Wounded Fairies to Sweet Fanny Adams: Doctors Helping The Police With Their Enquiries Through The Centuries’ and ‘A Police Surgeon's Lot 30 Years in the Real World of a West Country Police Surgeon’.